Here's to a New Year

My goodness is it almost 2016 already?! Where did the time go? Did I just sleep through some really misguided alarm or is this year really over?

For those of you who found 2015 to be a struggle, congratulations you made it through. Go ahead, give yourself a pat on the back, it's time for a clean slate.

Thankfully my 2015 wasn't too shabby. 2015 was the year I graduated high school, got into several colleges, rented out my first apartment, joined a sorority, got a grown up job, and several other accomplishments and failures that I can't remember.

2015 was my year of change, and I have no doubt that 2016 will not disappoint.

Enough about me though. Let's talk about you. Here's what the world found most interesting in 2015:

I hope your 2016 treats you well, and that you've come to peace with where you're leaving your 2015. I'll be back with my resolutions tomorrow. Until then eat, drink, and be merry. Oh, and if you find a cute sparkly dress to wear send me a link because my obsession with sparkly dresses is what fuels my excitement about new years. 


- Ally

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