We Need A Break

So before you pull out the tissues know that "it's not you, it's me".

With school starting up and being in the middle of a move I need to step back from the blogging for a few weeks. But here comes the good news, I won't be gone too long (pinky swear), and there's nothing stopping me from updating you with pretty pictures during my 'break'.

But I figured I should let you know that no it's not forever, and no you do not need to file a missing persons report.

See you soon!



Oh by the way here's pretty picture #1 (aka the place I'm moving all of my stuff to)

It's Time to Give Thanks (Or It Was At Least)

As we reach the end of the 2014 album we reach the end of this "project throwback" series as one of my many inspirations Juli Maniago likes to call it. But dry your tears because there's still a lot more to come from this blog. I did a lot this summer, and a lot in 2015 so far, and get this: I'm going to scrapbook as it happens. 

You heard it here ladies and gents I'm putting project throwback aside and living in the now (well as much now as I can, you know a girl's gotta study). As I enter college you'll get to follow along through layouts, and when I don't have time for that you'll get to follow along through pretty pictures, or sad iPhone pictures (we'll see how the day is going). So brace yourselves, there's going to be more than scrapbooking up on this corner of the web, but there will still be lots of layouts to fill your hearts with.

So let's get started:

I want to preface with the fact that I love this layout, and I'm not even sure why. I think it's the colors involved, and how the embellishments are tiny but meaningful. Or maybe it's that my dog is in half the photos and he's just the best. 

St. Jude Give Thanks Walk 2014

One of my favorite parts of the Thanksgiving holiday is the St. Jude Give Thanks Walk, and although the walk will be in September this year, it's still a great event that I look forward to every year.

I started attending the Give Thanks Walk in 2013 to support my neighbor and friend Breanna Bercegeay. It was great to walk with our community to help support Bree in her fight with leukemia. Although Bree passed away in October 2014, we still got a team together to show support only a month after her passing. 

This walk was definitely more emotional than the last but it was an unbelieveably heartwarming event to be a part of.

So this year I challenge each of you to go out and find an event center to walk at. They're all over the country and it's really easy to be a part of. If you want to get even more involved you can raise money for your team, or you can just show up the day of (although I do think there's a registration fee). If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Anyway here's a look at the layout: 

A Look At November

As this blog grows it is becoming increasingly hard to hide my love for food. I even dedicated an entire menu tab to it. Go ahead check it out it's at the top of this page. Anyway, because I love food so much I feel no shame in photographing my food, or, as the kids call it these days: foodporn. I love looking at the color in food photographs and the different textures that each food as to offer. While my photographs weren't that great a year ago they have gotten better in present day, but you'll see that in posts to come. For now let's travel back to November, not quite as catchy as Taylor Swift's Back to December, but it'll do.

Here's a look:

The top left photo is from a late night trip with my family to TCBY, mom really wanted froyo so naturally we all had to go. The photo on the top right is of a breakfast for dinner meal I made for myself. Can you say adulting? Who knew I would be so prepared for college.

Cinnamon Rolls and Other July Fun

Sometimes it is so nice to just take in what your own city has to offer. Go out and explore where you live you never know what you're going to find! In this case I found a great coffee shop tucked away in downtown Baton Rouge that serves the MOST AMAZING CINNAMON ROLLS. Yes I used caps lock, it shows excitement. 

So, like any foodie would do I snapped a picture to document the wondrous pastry and then devoured it with help from my mom.

If you're ever in BR check out Strands Cafe and experience one of these bad boys for yourself.  

I love using mostly photos in my layouts, especially when I don't have a lot of photos for one month. The wooden veneer that says "Yes 100% yes" (which describes my exact feelings towards this cinnamon roll) is from the Studio Calico Park Ave. kit, and the heart stamp is from the Walden Project Life kit. I used my tiny attacher to secure the wood veneer to the page.

Hope you're having a great Sunday full of cinnamon rolls.

