A Look At November

As this blog grows it is becoming increasingly hard to hide my love for food. I even dedicated an entire menu tab to it. Go ahead check it out it's at the top of this page. Anyway, because I love food so much I feel no shame in photographing my food, or, as the kids call it these days: foodporn. I love looking at the color in food photographs and the different textures that each food as to offer. While my photographs weren't that great a year ago they have gotten better in present day, but you'll see that in posts to come. For now let's travel back to November, not quite as catchy as Taylor Swift's Back to December, but it'll do.

Here's a look:

The top left photo is from a late night trip with my family to TCBY, mom really wanted froyo so naturally we all had to go. The photo on the top right is of a breakfast for dinner meal I made for myself. Can you say adulting? Who knew I would be so prepared for college.

The bottom card is from the Studio Calico Walden Project Life Kit and it features the quote "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall"- F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first I wasn't sure how I liked the colors, but I think it's growing on me, or maybe my brain is super lazy and doesn't want to come up with something else.

I probably should've mentioned that these layouts were really simple when I started this post out. Oh well, it goes to show that project life is all what you make it. Sometimes I just let the photos speak for themselves but other times I layer on the embellishments. As my 14 year old sister says "You do you boo boo". The bottom card is actually the back of the card above, which is what led me to use the card above in the first place. And of course the layout wouldn't be complete without some car selfies. 

How's your Tuesday treating you? Better than Monday? Have a cup of coffee on me.



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