The Great Escape

Sometimes you just want to run away from all your problems and never look back. You know, quit your job, cut off all your hair, break up with your boyfriend, and hell while you're at it just get the heck out of town. While that was my mindset for most of last week the rational side of me said "Allison, it's not time for a mid-life crisis, don't upstage your future self." So I placated my rebellious side with a rational weekend getaway to New Orleans, a city filled with good food, lazy days, and no worries.

Meet Maddy. My best friend going on three years now, Maddy and I met at boarding school and it was friendship at first site. She is the one I call up when I want to pretend I'm artsy and cool and need someone to run around a busy city with. She, on the other hand, doesn't have to pretend, she just is that artsy and that cool. Maddy serves as the supportive friend in this weekend getaway story. You know, the one that says things like, "Sure you can come crash at my dorm for the weekend," and, "Yes you deserve that extra beignet, treat yo'self."

We ran all around the city together, soaking up the aroma of fresh food, the sound of sweet jazz music, and the FREAKIN' GORGEOUS WEATHER that Louisiana decided to bless us with.

Highlights of the weekend consisted of a not-so-spontaneous trip to a neighboring university to visit old high school friends, lots of photos in front of colored walls, and the best brunch I could ever imagine. Seriously, I'll be doing a whole separate post dedicated to the decadent shrimp and grits that I had. It's a religious experience y'all.

But until then, please enjoy these borderline professional photos of our not so professional tour of the city:

I went to this place looking for crepes and instead fell in love with a croissant complete with salmon and cream cheese. I have no regrets about stuffing my face, I do, however, regret not photographing its decadence before digging in.

Thirty seconds after I took this photo I had powdered sugar all over my legs... and some on the lady next to me.

I've always loved how they label the streets on the sidewalk

Making new friends one road trip at a time. (Not everyone was as ready for this picture as Beca and I)

I call this pose The White Flamingo, it's a long story but it happened and it's worth documenting.

There are no words to accurately describe how much I love jazz music. My soul just fuels off of it every time I visit New Orleans.

Until next time,


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