Weekend Update: A Bittersweet BIG Weekend

It's been a crazy weekend full of football games, birthday parties, and Big Little Reveals. Another weekend in the books, and it didn't dare to disappoint.

Unfortunately for this college town we got stuck with a day game. Fortunately for this college girl it gave me an excuse to go out for brunch (although really it doesn't take much to motivate me to get brunch let's be real).

Below I have featured the best photography to ever hit the fashion world. Behold, the mirror selfie. Pay close attention and you'll notice my phone being held together by Saran Wrap. Did I mention it's been an eventful week? Don't worry I'll be welcoming a new phone to the family soon and I'm sure I'll dedicate an entire post to its beautifulness.

My fashionableness consisting of the only gold tank I own and a really really old necklace: think middle school era guys. Saran wrap accessories courtesy of my kitchen.

Meet Sean. Sean's my roommate and the kind of dedicated friend that will join you in waiting 3+ hours for a football game so that you can get AMAZING seats, but will also join you in leaving the game early because you might actually pass out from the heat. Oh, and she'll be sure to go on that adventure to the Dairy Queen across town, because the last time y'all both had Dairy Queen you were high school students. It's got to be different in college. Is that freedom I taste?

We got bored while waiting and decided to climb to the top of the stadium, here's a warped view of the breathtaking experience (literally, I was out of breath, someone should have warned me those steps were steep).

Sunday morning was filled with lots and lots and lots of aloe vera. I'm still feeling the pain from this sunburn y'all, it's bad. Stay inside kids. 

Anyway, Sunday was a time of celebration. I went to a birthday celebration for a family friend that passed away a little over a year ago. It was her birthday, and like last year, and for many years to come we celebrated it in full effect including good food, great people, and lots of love. 

The beautiful balloons we released.

Corey, our little angel.

Immediately after the birthday celebration I rushed to the Phi Mu house for our Big/Little Reveal. 

Meet Christina (bottom) and Cecily (middle) my big and my twin. Cecily and I both love Harry Potter, and Christina and I can talk about anything. We make up the perfect family and I love them both so much already. 

Me and my twin living the sibling life.

We can't keep a serious face. I'm sure it's a prediction for how this sister thing will be for years to come. 

So how's your week going? If you haven't guessed it by now I've been pretty busy, I mean the weekend update is coming to you on a Wednesday so I really don't have my life together. But that's okay, we have each other, and coffee, coffee helps to make sure we all like one another.

Hope your hump-day is treating you well.

Catch ya on the flip side,


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