Dutch Princess Meets Taylor Swift

I'm not a fashion blogger. Repeat after me: Ally is not a fashion blogger.

If anything I'm a grandma that somehow ended up in a college girl's body. Please don't go sharing this blog with your friends telling them I'm a fashion blogger. Because trust me, they'll get all excited, start looking at my posts and realize that all I do is write hilarious anecdotes complete with scrapbook layouts. And while you and I might think that's the coolest thing ever, they won't. They'll probably cry, and then I'd have to hand them a tissue, which I guarantee you will be single-ply because I'm a college student and can't afford to splurge.

So before we go any further remember one thing: Ally is not a fashion blogger. [If I was a fashion blogger I would've had enough sense to pick a better pose. Like really self? You went with the awkward "I'm going to hide one leg behind the other aaaannnndd yeah arms will look good by my side" look? Really?]

So here it goes. Basically I actually had time to get ready this morning so I decided to put some effort into my appearance.

Sunglasses: Papaya

Top: Old Navy (but it's like really old because I got it at Plato's Closet [aka the best store to find clothes])

Skirt: H&M

Shoes: Payless (because I'm classy like that)

Topped it all off with a dutch braid and some red lips because that's just how I roll.

So ladies and gents, share this with your friends but remember: Ally's not a fashion blogger.



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