Our Last Day

After time-sensitive deadlines and treks across the state we finally finished our newspaper. What else was there to do but celebrate with a day at the pool and a night "out on the town".

Here's a look:

I love the chaos of the photos. Like how someone's thumb is in the way, or the fact that the bottom photo was taken on a flip phone but still captures the amount of happiness and friendship in all its pixelated goodness. The "I love right now" wood veneer perfectly captures my feelings about that moment (I attached it with my tiny attacher), and the "Low quality photo high quality friends" is one of my favorite captions to help make bad photos infinitely better (I inherited the bronze tag so I don't know where it's from). 

We decided to have a mini photo shoot before we left for dinner, but my favorite photo would have to be the rockstar selfie I took with my friend Jerrell on the way to dinner.

All chipboard stickers are from Me and My Big Ideas. 

Enjoy today, you got through Monday already so that's an accomplishment. Bravo!



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