I Just Spent Hard Earned Money on Coloring Books and I Don't Regret a Thing

Yeah, you read that right. Coloring books. Like the things that used to keep you entertained for hours as a kid. or maybe just a few minutes if you were more of the rambunctious type. Nowadays artists are making it big in the world of coloring book designing.

The fad of Adult Coloring Books has taken off and I am totally on board. You don't have to tell me that scientists say it reduces stress levels to get me to grab a crayon and get to coloring.

Here are the coloring books I just ordered, and thankfully through the grace of Amazon Prime they'll be here in two days. Just in time for a road trip! Don't worry there will be plenty a post about where I'm going later.

Until then, pick a coloring book, grab a pencil, and color your worries away.



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